Sunday, December 27, 2009

I'm sorry!



I'm really really sorry! I didn't mean to squash the radishes. I was just trying to eat the yummy peas. Now I've been made to come inside and sit in the corner. I'm sure a bit of rain will make the garden okay.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Here little spider

So after Sue put the hose back together she washed the ute and the front windows, till a gush of water hurried this tiny little spider out of its hiding spot.

Gosh the way she went on about it you;d think it was a tarantula and not a little iddy biddy wolf spider. So what if it was about 10 cm long. I've seen bigger.

Hmmm, I wonder what would happen if it came inside....or better still was in her gumboot one morning. Oh the possibilities!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

I helped out lots!

Sue moved some dirt today and I helped by guiding the wheelbarrow. I was really good at it and the wheel barrow didn't fall off the path once! Sue kept talking to me the whole time, telling me how useful I was being.

That was until Aura came along and told me to open up my ear holes and start listening. Oh dear, I wish I'd stayed oblivious. Apparently I wasn't being helpful at all. I'll remember that for next time.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The big 1!

Yep, today I am no longer a puppy, I am an adult. 1 year old today!!!! I got a special tea but no candles as Sue said I'd probably eat them. I think she might be right.

Anyway, I'm off to enjoy a night under the blankets as my special birthday treat.

See ya! Hope the bed bugs don't bite, he he.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Bye Maris!

Maris, Holly's half sister came to stay with her human mum Louise. Maris came to see Diesel who was holidaying here too.

Me and Maris had lots of fun playing. We ran up and down, leapt over each other and generally played rough.

Then we found a stick!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

I'm not a bossy britches!

Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel


Oh, hello, my mate Diesel’s back.

Gotta go.

He’s ignoring me again.

Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel DIESEL! Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel

DIESEL Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel DIESEL! Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel DIESEL Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel



Friday, October 9, 2009

Waiting's hard

Sue sent away our latest hereditary disease tests. They are the ones for PLL and they had to be sent all the way to America. Now all we can do is wait. Sue checks the website every day (a little compulsive if you ask me). I decided to take a much more relaxed approach and just have a little nap with Aunty Aura.

Monday, September 28, 2009

We went to a dog show!

Yah!! I love dog shows. Lots of dogs to play with. Sue's nieces came with us and we all slept in the tent. Yep, even me! I got to sleep in the tent cause it was soooo cold that Sue needed a hot water bottle. I never go cold. I got reserve bitch and reserve of breed each day. Maris bet me but that's okay. I'll beat her next time.

Here's me with Lyta. What a lovely pair we make!
Me playing with Maris. Would you get off me!
Me me me! Don't I just get cuter and cuter?

And back home, tired out and just wanting to go to sleep.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Get off!

On Sunday Sue spent a lot of time washing all the sheets and blankets getting them all clean and un-doggy.

It was really early when I woke up this morning. I needed to go to the toilet so I barked to let Sue know. Holly wanted to come out too so we both got to go outside.

Sue left the door open so we could come back in and go back to our beds but instead of being good we decided to go snuggle.

Well, I had to block my ears! The language was not pleasant and that was just Aunty Aura who was not impressed at being jumped on.

She who controls the washing machine was NOT IMPRESSED with Holly and me and our dirty feet.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Me and my heifer mates

Here's me with my heifer mates. They don;t have names, just tag numbers.

They like to hang around and stare at us. Strange beings. They moo and poo and run around like lunatics.

I tried to scare them like my mum and Aura do. They sit beside the fence ignoring them. Then as the herd forms, they turn around and leap at the fence. Then the heifers run like mad around the paddock,gathering up more reinforcements and head back to the fence.

Sue says that is a really bad thing to do and when I tried it she told me off. She said that heifers are worth more money than me and if one slips and breaks its leg she can't afford to pay for it.

Stupid heifers.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

She's back!

Sue went to Australia and it looks like she wasn't faithful too us! He's not as cute as me though! His name is Bobbie and he was staying with Sue's Aunt and Uncle while his owners went on holiday. Mia, the dog below Bobbie, lives with her Aunt and Uncle, along with another dog called Sarge. We had lots of doggy smells to sniff when she came in the door!

Lucky Sue didn't bring these two back! These two wild Dingos were on Fraser Island. There are only 100 of them left due to the government culling them. Because people interfere with the Dingos and feed them and leave food laying about in the settlements the dingos forget to be scared of humans. Then people leave their kids unattended and the kids get bitten. Then the dingos get shot. Bad bad humans!

I got a Bandanna just like Holly's. I'm going to try it on soon. Now that Sue's back home I'm allowed back inside. I slept in the bed last night. Right under the blankets. Life's sweet!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Cold tootsies

Like Holly says, we are locked outside. I haven't been bad. As soon as I get in bed with Sue I settle straight under the blankets and don't move all night. S it can't be me that's cause us to be dressed in our warm jackets and made to sleep in our kennels.

I know we're going to a dog show soon were we're going to camp over so maybe that's the reason. I think theniecesarecoming to so I'll try to act real cute and sleep snuggled between them in the tent.

That must be the reason why we're outside.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Am I cute or what!

Here I am looking even cuter than ever. I've stopped growing now, and Sue says that is a good thing. Now I just have to fill out a bit. That's a good thing as it means that I get feed a little more.

Not enough to make me fat and lazy, just enough to bulk out my tummy and shoulders. It must be about time I got out to some more shows.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Hurry up! Emergency!

Sue! Sue! Hurry, Holly's choking!

Sue had given us our tea. As usual Holly hoed into hers like she was starving. Two bites in and she starts running around her run, gagging. I shouted for Sue and she came running.

By now Holly has on her side kicking in the mud. Holly was dying! Sue pulled open Holly's mouth and put her had in and grabbed out a whole heap of stuff. Holly took a couple of minutes to sit up but she's okay now. She can't be that bad off cause she demanded the rest of her tea.

Stupid Holly, how can you choke on little bits of dog roll? Sue always cuts it up into little bits.

I'm glad my sister didn't die.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Muriel! NO!

But toilet paper is cool! I'm in this mood at the moment that whenever the toilet door is open I steal the new rolls of toilet paper and munch on them. Holly helps too, and even Aura likes the odd chew.

But you should hear she-who-buys-the-bog-rolls. Muriel! Drop IT. Holly! NO! Aura! You bad girl.

Still I think it's all worth it. Watching her try and use half munched rolls is really entertaining! The trick is to mutilate the side just enough so that the paper doesn't come off freely. [Holly taught me that].

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The bedroom rules

Aura sleeps on top down the end
I sleep under the blankies, at the top

Mouse sleeps down the bottom under the covers.
Sue sleeps in the small spot that's left in the middle. She often complains about cold doggy feet on her back.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Holly's right. It is cold!

But there is always a warm blankie to cuddle up under.And Aunty Aura is always willing to share.
And never ever listen to your horrible sister. You never ever put your nose on the glass door of the fire. Horrible Holly! Lucky Sue stopped me before I burnt myself.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

What a weekend!

I knew something must have been up when I was made to have a bath on Friday. I was scrubbed within an inch of my life. I smelt horrible afterwards.

Then Sue packed up all this stuff into the ute, we all had tea and then went to bed really early.

On Saturday I was turfed out of my blankies (Sue's bed) at 4.30am! Far too early for a young girl like me. I didn’t even get breakfast before Diesel and I were rudely shoved into the ute. We drove off into the dark stormy morning. After a while we stopped and picked up a new passenger, a strange hairy dog. Her name was Ruby. Then off we went again for ages and ages.

We got to a place called Ngarawhiaia and it turned out we were at a dog show! I got best of breed again but no in group placing this time. Not to worry, I am only three days into puppy.

The best thing at the show was this family from Auckland who came to see me. Apparently I am edible. That was pretty scary until I found out that is a good thing and means I am super cute. I had lots of photos taken and a play. I like kids. Much more fun that Sue.

When I got back to the ute both Diesel and Ruby where gone. They went to their own homes. So I was allowed to travel in the front. I must be special. (That’s very different from spethial Holly).

We stopped on the way home at this place and guess who was there! My brother Major! But he’s not my little bro any more. He’s about 1 cm taller. We played and played and got all tired out. There were more kids there that played with me too. Sorry about slamming you into the deck Major. I slipped on the wet grass. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it! And Major, you’re certainly not boring any longer. You were heaps of fun.

I was so tired after paying with Major that I fell asleep even before we were out of town. Sue said I was as bad as her nieces. When we finally got home hours later we had tea and then went straight to bed. It was a long day.

TRANSIT NZ. YOU NEED TO FIX THE ROADS! They are terrible. The Awakino George is a disaster zone with all those stupid pot holes left half fixed and lets not mention the subway project at Tariki. Shocking. Why can’t you finish one piece before moving on to the next piece?

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I'm in love!

Holly had a friend come to stay and I'm in love! He is so sexy and big and handsome! I've quite a school girl crush on him. I hassled and hassled him.

Then I had to have a sit and a rest while I watch the most handsome boy in the world run around.

Monday, May 4, 2009

A Muriel moment

Some days life just isn’t fair.

Yesterday I was so pleased to be able to met Sue at the gate when she came home. She didn’t seem that please though. She kept muttering to herself and looking all around my run.

Well today, she put us outside in the cold while she was inside in front of the fire working. I was not pleased so I decided I would go tell her. But she caught me on top of my kennel, leaning over the fence ready to jump onto the garden seat.

Thankfully the camera was out of power and she couldn’t get evidence. Now my kennel has been dragged into the middle of my run. I can’t reach the fences.

You’re terrible Muriel

was said a couple of times.

But I am back inside by the fire – haha my cunning plan worked.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

I'm so special!

I won I won!

I won Baby Puppy Of Group today at a champion show! I got a HUGE sash and a plastic cup thing and some chocolate (Sue ate that).

Tomorrow I'll take some photos of me and my ribbon.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I'm so cute, just too cute.

Me, lounging on the couch. If I look really cute Sue is too soft to put me outside.
There's treasure down here somewhere! Come on Chino, if we dig out enough stuffing we'll find that mouldering old bone!

I went to a Ribbon Parade and won! I got Best Of Group and Baby Puppy Of Group! Here I am all tuckered out after the show with my two lovely ribbons.

Monday, March 30, 2009

I'm not a genetic mutant!

Cause I'm a cross bred. hehehe. Not like the rest here. According to that programme on Sunday, all pedigree dogs are genetic mutants. Lucky my daddy's not a mini like my mum. Sue thought the vet at Massey University should have mentioned the money that responsible breeders spend there, using their specialist equipment to clear us of genetic disease before breeding. I think she is going to ask for a LARGE discount next time. They sure know how to charge that's for sure.

Anyway, it's going to be a while before I go there as I am too young to have babies.

I have been so good lately except for this morning when I made a puddle on the lino. Sorry about that but the door was shut and Sue was busy getting ready to go out. When a girls gotta go, a girl has to go.

Anyway, having been so good I have been allowed to sleep on the bed with Sue. It's cool! So warm and soft. And you can snuggle right down into the fluffy duvet and get all yummy and warm. I tell you that it's hard to get up in the morning and go outside to the cold grass.

I still love ya Uncle Chino. Even if you are in the dog box for eating that yummy bread. You could have given me a taste.

Friday, March 13, 2009

I went to my first show!

I had heaps of fun. Hannah and me got third in her junior handler heat.
Her she is making sure I don't grow any while I'm in the ring.

Here is me standing and looking pretty cool.

And here I am making a new friend. Pip owns Cloud, which is one of Aunty Aura's babies.
And I didn't get called Muriel once all day!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

You're terrible, Muriel!

I have a new name. Muriel.
Holly sniggers when ever Sue calls me it.

All I hear is

"You're terrible Muriel!"
I'm not bad!

Monday, March 9, 2009

How my leg got broke and other true tails.

This is the chair where it happened. Me and Holly where playing on the chair and I was up on this arm here.
As I stood up on the edge, Holly pushed me with her head. I fell about 80 cms to the floor. I landed on my right back leg and collapsed into a ball of screaming agony. Sue rushed me to the vets and the nice vet nurse took lots of special pictures of my leg and the vet looked at them and said that it was a green stick fracture. That means that its not broken all the way through.
It's all healed now and I get to play with the other dogs. Aunty Aura is such a pushover!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Lot's of photos of meeeeeee!

My foot. I reckon that if I push hard enough I could get out of here. Sad sad sad. Still locked up because of my silly leg.
But I think that if I wreck Sue's boots she won't be able to leave the house!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

I'm a bad egg.

I don't know eggactly what that means, but it's always said with a smile and a pat on the head.

I get told I am a "bad egg" when I sprint out the door when I'm only meant to be walking slowly. I get told I'm a bad egg when I try to race Uncle Chino up and down the fence and when I climb the puppy pen panels to get out.

But my leg feels fine now! It hardly hurts at all!

Saturday, February 21, 2009


As Therapy Mouse said I should do some colouring in. I drew this picture of Holly. Quite a likeness isn't there.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Get away from me, help, help, my leg, it hurts so much. Sue!!!

Holly pushed me off the chair. As I landed there was a horrible crack and the pain was sooo bad. I screamed! Sue picked me up and rushed me to the vets.

I had to have lots of xrays. My back leg is broken. I have to be locked in a cage for two weeks. The vet said it didn't need a cast or splint but I aren't allowed to run around at all.

I don't even want to move it hurts so much. I have huddled up with my mate Ducky. Sue is upset because I can't go to the dog shows she had booked me in for. She was hoping some ababy puppies of group.

Friday, February 13, 2009

A girl has to have some bling.

Little Faith got told she needs to wear some bands in her hair to keep it out of her eyes. Her mum refuses to put bands in her hair. So I had a go with some bits that my human nieces left behind (Sue must remember to give them back). Here I am trying out the punk look. Do I look cool? And here is me and Aunty Aura sharing a chair. She doesn't look too happy having to share.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Ducky, my very own toy!

I had to be so brave today. I had my last puppy vaccinations. The vet was really nice and called me cute and tried to smuggle me home. But Sue said no. I don't think I want to live at the vets house. She said I wouldn't be allowed to sleep on her bed like I do with Sue. She's a softy and if I act sad and sick she lets me snuggle with her. I got a cool quacking duck for my bravery.

Sue said for me not to leave it lying around. I was still playing with it when Aura tried to steal it away. I've seen pictures of what she does to toys and it's not going to happen to my ducky!

Here's my cool mum Mouse. She's Holly's mum too. When she was a baby she came all the way to NZ from Australia on a big plane. How cool is that! Mouse likes sleeping and eating.

Sometimes she's not so cool though. Here she is telling me off for being annoying. But I got her too.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

I'm so perfect!

I get to go to dog training every week. This week a little girl trained me as Sue was busy taking the class. The girl was tough. She made me do all the right stuff like stand up and walk in a straight line. I was so tired that when I got home I could hardly eat my tea.

Today has been a holiday. I spent the day lazing around chewing on our communal bone. It's a bit yukky and old. And very stinky. But we all still have turns at chewing.

And guess what! I am currently in third place on the Butch Idol! I'm so cute!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Woof! Woof! Grrrrrrr!

I have my own blog Woof Woof Woof! Now I can tell you the truth about what happens here. Not my big sister Holly's version of the "truth". But the real truth!

My names Banderbear Of Sleek, or it will be once the kennel club get around to accepting me. You can call me Banderbear, or Bear. Not bandybear. NO! My name comes from the Edge Chronicles by Paul Stewart. Banderbears are big strong bear like creatures who live solitery lives. My brother Iorek Bryinson is a bear too. His name comes from "His dark materials" by Philip Pullman. I hope we live up to our names, expect in the size bit. We have to stay small.

I am the first Interbred Miniature Bull Terrier to be born and shown in New Zealand. I am very special. Not spethial like my big sister Holly. But SPECIAL. It's very different.