Monday, August 16, 2010

Why is this stuff on my chair!

Jolly gosh some days I just despair. I was trying to have a nap on my favourite chair but found it occupied by the freezer bins. Why aren't they in the freezer? Anyway I made sure she-who-controls-things-on-chairs was aware of how difficult it was to get comfortable.
And after my little snooze I found our favourite toy, which someone had left on the lawn in the rain. Play with me! If you don't I'll hide the soggy thing in your bed.

Play with me!

Play with me! Look I found our cool tug toy out in the garden. Chino had hidden it! It's all nice and soggy wet and I want you to play with me.

Go on, you big wuss, you can wash your hands after.
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Sunday, August 8, 2010

Let me in!

I'm going to sit here and stare at you till you LET ME IN! It's cold out here and it's raining and you're inside in front of the fire.

If you don't let me in I'm going to put more dirty footprints on the glass.
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