Sue went to Australia and it looks like she wasn't faithful too us! He's not as cute as me though! His name is Bobbie and he was staying with Sue's Aunt and Uncle while his owners went on holiday. Mia, the dog below Bobbie, lives with her Aunt and Uncle, along with another dog called Sarge. We had lots of doggy smells to sniff when she came in the door!

Lucky Sue didn't bring these two back! These two wild Dingos were on Fraser Island. There are only 100 of them left due to the government culling them. Because people interfere with the Dingos and feed them and leave food laying about in the settlements the dingos forget to be scared of humans. Then people leave their kids unattended and the kids get bitten. Then the dingos get shot.
Bad bad humans!

I got a Bandanna just like Holly's. I'm going to try it on soon. Now that Sue's back home I'm allowed back inside. I slept in the bed last night. Right under the blankets. Life's sweet!