Saturday, October 24, 2009

Bye Maris!

Maris, Holly's half sister came to stay with her human mum Louise. Maris came to see Diesel who was holidaying here too.

Me and Maris had lots of fun playing. We ran up and down, leapt over each other and generally played rough.

Then we found a stick!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

I'm not a bossy britches!

Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel


Oh, hello, my mate Diesel’s back.

Gotta go.

He’s ignoring me again.

Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel DIESEL! Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel

DIESEL Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel DIESEL! Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel DIESEL Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel



Friday, October 9, 2009

Waiting's hard

Sue sent away our latest hereditary disease tests. They are the ones for PLL and they had to be sent all the way to America. Now all we can do is wait. Sue checks the website every day (a little compulsive if you ask me). I decided to take a much more relaxed approach and just have a little nap with Aunty Aura.