Sunday, April 18, 2010

Dog shows again

But it wasn't too bad. I won two challenges, thanks to Hannah showing me. Only one to go to make me a champion. Of course I'm a champion already. Champion at manipulation.

It's pretty hard being a show dog. Real tiring. After a hard 2 minutes of being in the ring and being forced to trot I needed a good sleep. I snuck into the new tent and wrapped myself up in Hannah's blankets for a much deserved rest.
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Sunday, April 4, 2010

A new toy!

Yesterday afternoon Holly and me had to get all scrubbed up. I thought we were going to a dog show but no. We met some people in town. They were so nice. They gave us a mint flavoured tug toy to take home. Of course Holly and I shared with Aura and Chino. I reckon that mint flavouring might improve Chino's bad breathe.

We were tuckered out after chasing each other round and having a great game.
Thanks Jannine for the toy!
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