Saturday, October 30, 2010

A use for those pesky rabbits?

Anyone want rabbit steaks for dinner?

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Me and my boyfriend

Me and Ziggy are in LUV! He likes me better than Holly.

After we play game sout on the lawn we come in and sleep. He makes sure that I am safe.
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Thursday, October 21, 2010

An update.

My turn to go first! Well, finally we went camping again. But this time only Ziggy got to be shown, not me. I'm no longer the star, it's not fair. But at least I got to sleep in the tent. She-who-controls-such-things bought a new sleeping bag. An extra wide, extra warm one. It'll keep you wamr to minus 10 degrees without a doggy hot water bottle inserted.

It fits one skinny mini and a not so skinny (but apparently working on it) human. That's as long as the human doesn't get prissy and try to take too much room. It was so hot in the bag that I demanded that the zip be opened. You should have heard the whining. In the end I had to settle for sweating it out.

Anyway, if you want to know what sleeping bag your human should buy to keep you warm its called "The Beast" and it's by a company called "Roman" - which kind of suits Bull terriers as we have Roman shaped noses.

Well, camping is FUN! Except that there are RULES. Like No Barking, No pulling on the lead, No screaming for attention, and your human has to clean up after you.

And I hear that there are moves affoot for something called "Obedience Training". I hope it doesn't involve me.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Left to my own devices

Banderbear is a little tied up with Ziggy at the moment. So she's not posting anything. I'm sure she'll be back when she's finished her fun.

While she's otherwise engaged I get to play with my half-sister Holly. We have the same mum. Here we are having a little nap in the sun. Holly likes to roll around with her legs in the air. She's funny.