Monday, May 25, 2009

Holly's right. It is cold!

But there is always a warm blankie to cuddle up under.And Aunty Aura is always willing to share.
And never ever listen to your horrible sister. You never ever put your nose on the glass door of the fire. Horrible Holly! Lucky Sue stopped me before I burnt myself.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

What a weekend!

I knew something must have been up when I was made to have a bath on Friday. I was scrubbed within an inch of my life. I smelt horrible afterwards.

Then Sue packed up all this stuff into the ute, we all had tea and then went to bed really early.

On Saturday I was turfed out of my blankies (Sue's bed) at 4.30am! Far too early for a young girl like me. I didn’t even get breakfast before Diesel and I were rudely shoved into the ute. We drove off into the dark stormy morning. After a while we stopped and picked up a new passenger, a strange hairy dog. Her name was Ruby. Then off we went again for ages and ages.

We got to a place called Ngarawhiaia and it turned out we were at a dog show! I got best of breed again but no in group placing this time. Not to worry, I am only three days into puppy.

The best thing at the show was this family from Auckland who came to see me. Apparently I am edible. That was pretty scary until I found out that is a good thing and means I am super cute. I had lots of photos taken and a play. I like kids. Much more fun that Sue.

When I got back to the ute both Diesel and Ruby where gone. They went to their own homes. So I was allowed to travel in the front. I must be special. (That’s very different from spethial Holly).

We stopped on the way home at this place and guess who was there! My brother Major! But he’s not my little bro any more. He’s about 1 cm taller. We played and played and got all tired out. There were more kids there that played with me too. Sorry about slamming you into the deck Major. I slipped on the wet grass. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it! And Major, you’re certainly not boring any longer. You were heaps of fun.

I was so tired after paying with Major that I fell asleep even before we were out of town. Sue said I was as bad as her nieces. When we finally got home hours later we had tea and then went straight to bed. It was a long day.

TRANSIT NZ. YOU NEED TO FIX THE ROADS! They are terrible. The Awakino George is a disaster zone with all those stupid pot holes left half fixed and lets not mention the subway project at Tariki. Shocking. Why can’t you finish one piece before moving on to the next piece?

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I'm in love!

Holly had a friend come to stay and I'm in love! He is so sexy and big and handsome! I've quite a school girl crush on him. I hassled and hassled him.

Then I had to have a sit and a rest while I watch the most handsome boy in the world run around.

Monday, May 4, 2009

A Muriel moment

Some days life just isn’t fair.

Yesterday I was so pleased to be able to met Sue at the gate when she came home. She didn’t seem that please though. She kept muttering to herself and looking all around my run.

Well today, she put us outside in the cold while she was inside in front of the fire working. I was not pleased so I decided I would go tell her. But she caught me on top of my kennel, leaning over the fence ready to jump onto the garden seat.

Thankfully the camera was out of power and she couldn’t get evidence. Now my kennel has been dragged into the middle of my run. I can’t reach the fences.

You’re terrible Muriel

was said a couple of times.

But I am back inside by the fire – haha my cunning plan worked.